Creative VS Business - Erick Hercules
During the beginning of our creative careers, it took us a lot to understand how are we supposed to manage our business side of it. Being creative it feels at times difficult to make decisions that will positively affect your business and create goals you wish to achieve. We invited our favourite creative businessman @Erickhercules to share with us some tips and insights that will help you have a better understanding of your business side.
Erick Hercules’ photography has inspired a generation of digital photographers to capture moments without photoshop. In less than a decade, Erick has managed to help redefine footwear and lifestyle photography and his images and angles have created trends that transcend any kind of photography you’ve seen on the digital media. His portfolio includes notable brands like Nike, Puma, Converse, HBO, Swatch, & Fila to name a few. Erick’s photographs have appeared on major billboards and flagship stores across the globe, including wrapped trains in Australia for Swatch & wrapped train stations in Poland for Converse..
In 2013, Erick began the “#WeLevitate” movement, a global community of some of the best levitation photographers & dancers in the world. Erick’s dedication to non-photoshopped photography has allowed him to capture surreal moments that have actually occurred in a single shot, inspiring a new form of photography which is meant to bring back surrealism within reality.
Erick is Currently a Sony Alpha Ambassador, World of Dance contributor, and educator for the next generation of digital photographers. He currently leads his own agency called Hercules New York and is the Chief Creative Officer & Co founder of INCMMN, a new age b2b agency bridging the gap between creatives, agencies and brands. Erick is also the Secretary General of the Influencer Council Of America, where he leads creative-first conversation directly with digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok & Snapchat. He has spoken on leadership panels at American colleges and universities, the White House, and at various venues and events across the U.S.

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